Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Ok, I've just about started to lose hope now. Nobody has come forward with Simba =(

Bumba is good tho... He's like almost a proper house cat... sleeping with the hoomins and whatnot... but Rory the rabbit has ran away... animals just seem to disappear from my brother's house... if it wasn't for the four walls in the aquarium, I think that the fish would try their luck on freedom as well... they would need to learn to jump and breathe oxigen like hoomins... dun think they will be escaping anytime soon...

We need to buy a friend for Bun Bun Furry Action... According to Idan he has been weeping at the loss of his bitch lol... ok i take that back... at the loss of his ball and chain hahahhahaha... yeah, Rory was that sort of wife... she attacked a wee bunny when Bun Bun was hanging out too much with her... but we shall not speak ill of the dead, Rory was nicer than Bun Bun cuz she let you hold her... Bun Bun's a bit of an il divo...

Here's a picture of Rory-meister

anyway, that's all for now... my boss just passed my table... hahaha...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It's been almost 2 weeks. Still no sign of Simba.

I'm still thinking if I should ask Ray if he can do me a favour. Having the radio announce this blog would help I suppose. But I would feel obligated to pay for this because it is akin to advertising. Hmmmmmm...

Would the person who stole Simba please stand up...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The brothers bloom

I love this picture of Bumba. He's a little shorty with his short legs and big face. His neck is as big as his face so he looks like he doesn't have a neck.

This is another picture of Simba. He's a lot bigger now. This was taken months ago when we initially took him and Bumba in.

Can I borrow some sugar?

So... spoke to the neighbour on Saturday morning. But only to the children. They claimed that none of their guests could've taken Simba cuz they said goodbye to all of them before they left. But that's silly cuz there's time between saying goodbye to going to the car when they could've taken the cat. So I still think that someone from the open house took our Simba. They said that they will tell us if they see the cat. Frankly, I don't need them to do that, because if they see Simba, I would prolly also see Simba. What I wanted is for them to give a few of their guests a call, and not even all of them, only the ones who have an affinity towards cats. But it didn't seem like a nice thing to ask, disrupting their lives and all. I think to make the message clear, I should make another poster, pleading to help us. Make it so sedih that it will hit a nerve hahahaha.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I've received several text messages from a really nice lady telling me not to give up on my search. She had messaged me on Saturday morning telling me this. A few minutes later, she gave me a call telling me what to do like put out familiar things so Simba will smell it and come back. She later told me that she has 37 cats and when one went missing, she organised a search for it and eventually found the cat. I was thinking how did she know that 1 cat out of her 37 went missing. That's pretty amayyyinggg. Anyway, she really gives me hope that I will find Simba. She texted me again today and she really doesn't have to. I am very touched at how she is concerned with my plight. She even said she will pray for Simba's safe return and that even her adik wants to help me with my search. The kindness of strangers really surprises me.

As of today, the search continues. Bumba is doing OK however. He has made friends with the stray cats from the neighbourhood. He still thinks he's people. At least he's found other cats to play with. He'll just have to wait a little longer for Simba's return.

Anyway, Simba's best friend was a rabbit of the same colour. That really pulls on your heartstrings doesn't it? When his best friend died, I had to take Simba to the vet because his eyes were red raw from an infection. I think he got the infection from crying for his best friend cuz it actually looked like he had been crying. If the person who took Simba reads this (if he was taken in the first place), I've taken care of Simba (and Bumba) as best I can whether it's because he has an eye infection or whether he can't take a proper shit and I really believe that I deserve to get him back. Being collarless doesn't change the fact that he was my cat.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The return of the Bumba

Ok so Bumba has decided to show up but his collar is gone. I think he probably went missing cuz he'd visited some expert collar remover cat or something. And now that we have him back, I've updated his profile on petfinder to FOUND. Anyway, I'll update more later. I don't even know who's reading this.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I miss Simba and Bumba...

Bumba is not called Pumbaa cuz Pumbaa is a warthog and you can't very well call a cat after a warthog.

I'll be paying a visit to the neighbour tomorrow to enlist her in my search team. Oooh, I did something else today. In Bangsar Village on the skywalk, they've put up these boards that you can sign on and write a note or whatever and donate some money all in the name of breast cancer research or something like that cuz October is breast cancer month. I'd written on I think about 5 of those boards the link to this blog. I know I know, it goes against what the board stands for but I thought that was a good way to get my message through. I hope people will wonder what the blog is about and visit it. I should've written a bit more but that's done. If I pass it again maybe I will scribble more things. I didn't feel bad though vandalising those boards by advertising another cause cuz Arif put in some money in the donation box.

So as of today, search effort still ensues. No leads yet which is a shame. Means I'm not hitting the right spots. But I think what I may do next is have some stickers done and take my vandalism to a different level. My friend even suggested I get a bunting done cuz it costs, what? 35 ringgit? But where the hell am I going to put that right?

Anyway, it's getting late. Just thought I'd write something down. I find writing on this blog somewhat therapeutic.

Till the next entry then =(

Nothing yet...

So far, I've not received any phone calls or information about my missing cat. And now that Simba has gone missing, Bumba has decided to wander about. He has not come home in a while. He's done this before so I'm hoping he will show up. Nevertheless, I've created a pet profile on www.petfinder.my for both cats.

Simba - http://www.petfinder.my/pets/7868/

Bumba - http://www.petfinder.my/pets/7869/

Hopefully someone will have information for me soon. I'm trying my best to cover all bases. I was thinking of putting an ad in petster magazine however, I don't think the person who took Simba will read it.

I've got a really bad headache.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What next?

Today wasn't a very good day for me. I don't know how I got so emotionally attached to this cat. My nose is actually bleeding. Anyway, according to Idan, the neighbour told him that there were a lot of kids at her house during the festivities. So it's now more than likely that someone took Simba. It's almost certain. Was gonna pop down to her house today to ask her to help me. I'd readily compensate her for her efforts and would be eternally grateful if it was because of her I could get Simba back. But Idan said to ask in the weekend and not to kacau her at night. Fair enough, although I am upset. Wish I could take a day off to do all this.

I feel like I have something to atone for. That's why it's so important that I find Simba.

I deal with death easier...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Search for Simba: Part Deux

So, i've taken another step in my effort to search for simba. I've created a group on facebook. All this is to ensure that his photo is spread as far and wide as possible cuz i'd want people to recognise his face if they ever see him and think about this search. I sent my posters to 4 different animal clinics yesterday, the two clinics in Bangsar, one in Plaza Damansara and another in Taman Megah. All this with the same hope, that he will be recognised. Soon I'll have coloured pictures of Simba on my posters. The black and white ones don't really do justice. Hopefully, since I included this blog on my posters, people will visit and have a better look at Simba.

I wish there was some way I could add music to this blog, but I'd probably get sued for it

Malay poster

I sent this one around along with the english one... aihhh =(

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My poster (in English)

This is the poster that I disseminated around the Damansara Utama area. I have a Malay one too, that'll be posted soon... I actually ahve to work right now...

Search for Simba: Part I

Simba is a cat. Simba was taken/got lost. Help Bumba find him.

When I found out Simba went missing, I'd done up posters to search for him. He was last seen on Jalan 20/8 in Damansara Utama (right behind the Dijaya offices). It is in my opinion that he was taken right after an open house due to his cuteness. And believe me he is a super cute cat.

Simba is a long haired ginger coloured male cat with yellowish eyes. He is of average to full grown size and is approximately 1 year old. He is very buncit due to a reason I've stated in my posters. He has a very good temparement.

He is called Simba for obvious reasons and if anyone has seen this cat or knows of his whereabouts, please do not hesitate to inform me. He is a very precious cat, he has a brother called Bumba who constantly meows for him.

My initial search was concentrated in the Damansara Utama only. As of today, I'm determined to expand my search because I will not sit still until he is found.

If anyone took him, please do the right thing. Comment on this blog to get in touch with me.

Reward for anyone who can bring him back to me.