Friday, October 23, 2009


I miss Simba and Bumba...

Bumba is not called Pumbaa cuz Pumbaa is a warthog and you can't very well call a cat after a warthog.

I'll be paying a visit to the neighbour tomorrow to enlist her in my search team. Oooh, I did something else today. In Bangsar Village on the skywalk, they've put up these boards that you can sign on and write a note or whatever and donate some money all in the name of breast cancer research or something like that cuz October is breast cancer month. I'd written on I think about 5 of those boards the link to this blog. I know I know, it goes against what the board stands for but I thought that was a good way to get my message through. I hope people will wonder what the blog is about and visit it. I should've written a bit more but that's done. If I pass it again maybe I will scribble more things. I didn't feel bad though vandalising those boards by advertising another cause cuz Arif put in some money in the donation box.

So as of today, search effort still ensues. No leads yet which is a shame. Means I'm not hitting the right spots. But I think what I may do next is have some stickers done and take my vandalism to a different level. My friend even suggested I get a bunting done cuz it costs, what? 35 ringgit? But where the hell am I going to put that right?

Anyway, it's getting late. Just thought I'd write something down. I find writing on this blog somewhat therapeutic.

Till the next entry then =(

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